
Climate Change: Policy, Institutional, and Legal Framework

Oxford University Press | 23 July 2024

Chapter in ‘The Oxford Handbook of Environmental and Natural Resources Law in India’ documents how India’s policies, institutions, and legal structures have changed in response to climate change.

Navroz K Dubash, Aditya Valiathan Pillai & Anirudh Sridhar

Ambient air pollution and daily mortality in ten cities of India: a causal modelling study

The Lancet Planetary Health | 4 July 2024

Even levels of air pollution below current Indian air quality standards lead to increased daily mortality rates in India.

Jeroen de Bont, Bhargav Krishna et al.

A law around low-carbon climate resilient development

The Hindu | 8 July 2024

Authors lay out an institutional vision for India’s climate law.

Navroz K Dubash, Aditya Valiathan Pillai and Shibani Ghosh

Extreme heat in India needs funds to fix

IDR | 26 June 2024

The recent spate of deadly heatwaves highlights the need for long-term systemic solutions, which come with a hefty price tag. Here’s how India can foot the bill.

Tamanna Dalal

Unified action needed to tackle extreme heat and air pollution

Mongabay | 25 June 2024

The combined impact of air pollution and heatwaves can be far more severe than individual impacts. Adopting unified protective health measures against both issues is crucial.

Annanya Mahajan and Tamanna Dalal

Navigating pathways to a sustainable future by

Analysing issues at the frontier of addressing climate change, managing the energy transition, and limiting environmental threats in India and globally

Informing policymakers, stakeholders, and the public about key policy and governance levers, and their implications

Accelerating the transition to an environmentally and socially sustainable future by enabling strategic action for systemic change

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Past Event

Launch Event: Introducing the Sustainable Futures Collaborative (SFC)

Featuring opening remarks by N.K. Singh, Chair, 15th Finance Commission and a panel discussion on ‘Building the foundations for a sustainable future’.

Public engagement


At the What Works Climate Solutions Summit on June 11 at Technische Universität Berlin, Aman Srivastava presented on ‘Addressing path dependence in emissions-economy models for emerging economies’ and how developing countries can better explore possible low-carbon development pathways and align future policies with their needs.


Death rates from air pollution spikes vary across cities: Study

The Hindu | 3 July 2024

Delhi had about 12,000 deaths per year, while the lowest rate among the 10 cities surveyed is Shimla, with 59 deaths per year between 2008-19 – a study in The Lancet Planetary Health, co-authored by Bhargav Krishna, found.


वायु प्रदूषण से दिल्ली में हर साल चली जाती है 12 हजार लोगों की जान, राजधानी के बाद यूपी का ये जिला दूसरे स्थान पर

Dainik Jagran | 4 July 2024

दिल्ली (Deaths due to air pollution in Delhi) में सर्दी का मौसम आते ही वायु प्रदूषण की समस्या बढ़ जाती है। एक रिसर्च में चौंकाने वाली रिपोर्ट आई है। इस शोध के मुताबिक राजधानी में हर साल करीब 12 हजार लोगों की जान वायु प्रदूषण के कारण हुई। इस आंकड़े को और आसानी से समझे तो 100 में से लगभग 12 लोगों की मौत खराब हवा के कारण होती है।