All publications
This also includes publications by SFC team members in their past capacities.

Environmental Governance and Policy
Microplastics: An Overlooked Contributor to India’s Air Pollution
Ishita Srivastava
28 January 2025
Airborne microplastics are increasingly linked to serious health risks yet they remain unmonitored and unregulated in India. How can we better study and address these pollutants?

Journal articles
Environmental Governance and Policy
Pollution Regulation in India: Institutional and Legislative Conundrums
Shibani Ghosh
Economic & Political Weekly | 11 January 2025
Recent reports on capacity constraints faced by the state pollution control boards have revealed serious systemic issues—problematic board structure and composition, lack of competence in the boards’ leadership and instability in its tenure, persistently high vacancies, and skewed financial situation. Recent amendments to the three central environmental laws introduce monetary penalties, reduce scope for criminal prosecution, and make key changes to the regulatory framework. It remains to be seen if these amendments, aimed at facilitating ease of doing business, will succeed in reducing pollution as several systemic issues remain unaddressed. The paper is part of the special issue ‘Review of Environment and Development’, edited by Sharachchandra Lele and Geetanjoy Sahu.

Journal articles
Climate Policy
Domesticating Climate Change: The Evolution of Indian Climate Politics and Policy
Navroz K Dubash
Economic & Political Weekly | 11 January 2025
Climate change considerations are increasingly being internalised, or domesticated in India’s development decision-making. The paper examines how political narratives linking climate change and development have emerged over the past decade, explores top-down approaches to climate policy, discusses key sectoral shifts and economy-wide approaches, and ends with a discussion of what mainstreaming climate change may mean for the Indian state. It argues for taking seriously the linkage between climate change and development, but in a way that engages with their complex linkages. The article is part of the EPW’s special issue ‘Review of Environment and Development’ edited by Sharachchandra Lele and Geetanjoy Sahu.

Adaptation and Resilience
Climate Policy
Energy Transitions
Now for a green Bharat abhiyaan
Navroz K Dubash
India Today | 7 January 2025
Navroz K Dubash, writing on climate change in India Today’s ‘India @ 2025’ special issue, argues for keeping the pressure on developed countries for emissions reductions and finance but also suggests three key domestic priorities for India: Enhance climate resilience in cities/coasts, and plan for adaptation, e.g, in agriculture and water; Build a low carbon economy that creates jobs; Reform governance structures and the legal framework to address climate governance challenges.

Climate Policy
Unpacking COP29’s NCQG: What Happened, Why, and What Now?
Aman Srivastava, Nikita Shukla
22 December 2024
The NCQG outcome at COP29 has been criticised for not meeting climate finance needs and shifting responsibility from developed nations. This blog explores where it missed the mark, whether developed countries have a defence, and how future COPs can improve climate finance delivery.

Journal articles
Climate Policy
Energy Transitions
Is net zero net positive? – Opportunities and challenges for pursuing a socio-economically sensitive net-zero transition for India
Easwaran Narassimhan, Tarun Gopalakrishnan et al.
Climate Policy Journal | 26 November 2024
Using a mixed methodology of expert elicitation and system dynamics modelling, this article examines the policy gap that needs to be bridged for India to realize its net zero by 2070 commitment. The study discusses a socio-economically sensitive policy mix that could set India on a trajectory to peak its emissions in a decade and zero out its carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions by mid-century, leaving about one gigaton of other greenhouse gases to be decarbonized by 2070 to meet India’s net-zero goal.

Issue Briefs
Climate Policy
Ratcheting Ambition in Climate Finance: Key Challenges and Goals for COP29
Nikita Shukla, Aman Srivastava, and Easwaran J. Narassimhan
8 November 2024
An overview of key issues to watch in discussions on the New Collective Quantified Goal (NCQG), including the role and relevance of the NCQG, strategies for effective implementation, and implications of the outcome for broader climate diplomacy.

Climate Policy
Energy Transitions
The Regulatory and Market Landscape for Climate Finance Into India’s Renewable Energy Sector
Aman Srivastava, Srishti Jain et al.
31 October 2024
As India aims to further ramp up the pace of its RE deployment, both large- and small-scale, this brief, published in collaboration with DIW Berlin, analyzes challenges to it from regulatory, institutional mandate, coordination and market development angles, and explores ways to address them.

Environmental Governance and Policy
Managing air quality: Answer is in airsheds
Shibani Ghosh and Bhargav Krishna
Hindustan Times | 28 October 2024
Four key issues to consider for effectively implementing an airshed-level approach to air quality management: development of robust knowledge systems; appropriate institutional structures; clear powers and functions of the airshed authority; and accountability mechanisms.

Journal articles
Climate Policy
Energy Transitions
India’s pathway to net zero by 2070: status, challenges, and way forward
Vaibhav Chaturvedi, Arunabha Ghosh et al.
Environmental Research Letters | 22 October 2024
This collaborative article by experts from 24 Indian institutions explores India’s path to net zero by 2070 through 3 broad dimensions – ‘national and sub-national perspectives’, ‘sectoral and technological transitions’ and ‘enablers’. Aditya Valiathan Pillai wrote on climate institutions as a key enabler in the process. He examines how India has performed in building climate institutions, the challenges that lie in building them, and how we can create an effective institutional structure that differs from ones in countries that are past their emissions peak.

Climate Policy
Climate and development: What opportunities, what threats?
Navroz K Dubash
ODI’s Development Policy Review | 20 September 2024
While it may be in the interests of developing countries to do development differently for climate reasons, the technological fact of falling renewable energy prices by no means imply a post-equity climate politics. But with weak prospects for a grand global bargain around climate and development, we may be in for messy country-by-country approaches to low-carbon development transitions.

Climate Policy
Towards Operationalising a New Climate Right for India: Unpacking the Ranjitsinh Judgment
Navroz K Dubash and Shibani Ghosh
The India Forum | 19 September 2024
The Ranjitsinh ruling of the Supreme Court is potentially far-reaching but its limited view of action on climate change risks causing an inadequate framing of policy. It is legislation that is built on a bottom-up approach that can act on the Court’s calls for balance across multiple objectives.

Environmental Governance and Policy
Explained: What Is PM 2.5 And How Will It Affect Our Health?
ETV Bharat | 20 August 2024
Explainer on PM 2.5, how the particles are formed, their health impacts, and methods for controlling PM 2.5 emissions.

Books and book chapters
Climate Policy
Climate Change: Policy, Institutional, and Legal Framework
Navroz K Dubash, Aditya Valiathan Pillai et al
Oxford University Press | 23 July 2024
Transforming towards a low-carbon, climate-resilient society will require reimagining existing governance arrangements. This chapter in ‘The Oxford Handbook of Environmental and Natural Resources Law in India’ documents how India’s policies, institutions, and legal structures have changed in response to climate change.

Books and book chapters
Environmental Governance and Policy
Air Quality Regulation
Shibani Ghosh
Oxford University Press | 23 July 2024
This chapter in ‘The Oxford Handbook of Environmental and Natural Resources Law in India’ unpacks the key components of air quality regulation in India. It provides an overview of the regulatory and institutional framework that governs some of the major sources of air pollution in the country, focusing primarily on national laws and policies.

Climate Policy
A law around low-carbon climate resilient development
Navroz K Dubash, Aditya Valiathan Pillai and Shibani Ghosh
The Hindu | 8 July 2024
Authors lay out an institutional vision for India’s climate law – knowledge-based ‘low-carbon development commission’; ‘climate cabinet’ to drive strategy; executive coordination body; and mechanisms for federal engagement.

Journal articles
Environmental Governance and Policy
Ambient air pollution and daily mortality in ten cities of India: a causal modelling study
Jeroen de Bont, Bhargav Krishna et al.
The Lancet Planetary Health | 4 July 2024
Even levels of air pollution below current Indian air quality standards lead to increased daily mortality rates in India. It finds that across 10 cities in the country (Ahmedabad, Bengaluru, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai, Pune, Shimla and Varanasi), ~33,000 deaths per year can be attributed to air pollution levels that are above the WHO guidelines. Significant number of deaths were observed even in cities not considered to have high air pollution, such as Mumbai, Bengaluru, Kolkata and Chennai.

Climate Policy
Court on climate right and how India can enforce it
Navroz K Dubash, Shibani Ghosh and Aditya Valiathan Pillai
The Hindu | 1 July 2024
Because India is still developing, is highly vulnerable, and yet to build much of its infrastructure, what the country needs is a law that enables progress toward both low-carbon and climate resilient development.

Adaptation and Resilience
Extreme heat in India needs funds to fix
Tamanna Dalal
India Development Review | 26 June 2024
The recent spate of deadly heatwaves highlights the need for long-term systemic solutions, which come with a hefty price tag. Here’s how India can foot the bill.

Adaptation and Resilience
Environmental Governance and Policy
Unified action needed to tackle extreme heat and air pollution
Annanya Mahajan and Tamanna Dalal
Mongabay | 25 June 2024
The combined impact of air pollution and heatwaves can be far more severe than individual impacts, as various reactions between heat and gases in the air can affect cardiovascular, respiratory and immune systems. Adopting unified protective health measures against both issues is crucial.

Climate Policy
Unpacking climate policy
Navroz K Dubash
Science Magazine | 6 June 2024
Policies that can usefully address climate change mitigation extend far beyond what an earlier literature defined as “mitigation policy”, which incorporates policy instrument design to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by means of, for instance, carbon tax, cap and trade, or border carbon adjustment. Instead, there is value in thinking much more expansively about climate policy: Effective “climate policy” may not always be “climate” policy.

Climate Policy
Mission 1.5: Enhancing international cooperation, enabling meeting the Paris Climate Agreement goals
IDDRI | 30 May 2024
This Note is an expert perspective of the vision and key design elements of the Troika-led Mission 1.5 UNFCCC process in order to effectively address the significant gaps in action and support for transitioning to low-GHG and climate-resilient economies in line with the Paris Climate Agreement goals. It therefore contributes ideas to Mission 1.5’s design, as delegates and observers meet in Bonn in early June 2024 to advance climate negotiations.

Energy Transitions
Energy Transitions Preparedness Initiative: Buildings Sector
Deepak Tewari, Rushabh Soni et al.
ETPI | 28 May 2024
This study aims to understand the energy transition preparedness of the buildings sector of 10 states in India and highlights good examples from the states.

Books and book chapters
Adaptation and Resilience
Environmental Governance and Policy
Synergistic Impact of Air Pollution and Heat on Health and Economy in India
Abinaya Sekar, Rajat Sharma and Annanya Mahajan
Springer | 1 May 2024
The chapter, published in the book ‘The Climate-Health-Sustainability Nexus: Understanding the Interconnected Impact on Populations and the Environment’ (Springer), examines the combined influence of heat and air pollution their implications for global health and the economy.

Environmental Governance and Policy
Sustainable Solutions to Crop Residue Burning and Air Pollution Cycle in India and Pakistan
Bhargav Krishna, Babar Shahbaz and Annanya Mahajan
Council for Strategic and Defense Research | 22 April 2024
The chapter in the report ‘The Air We Share: Towards Reduced Transboundary Air Pollution across India and Pakistan’ looks at crop residue burning in India and Pakistan, presenting several sustainable solutions – shifting focus away from paddy and wheat towards other crops, coordinating across multiple stakeholders, etc.

Adaptation and Resilience
Opinion: India is on the climate crisis front line. So why isn’t that an election issue?
Aditya Valiathan Pillai
CNN Opinion | 20 April 2024
Climate won’t be a major issue in India’s upcoming six-week-long national election, unlike in Australia, the UK, and US, where elections can hinge on climate policy positions. But it will shape Indian elections in definitive but under-the-radar ways.

SFC Perspectives
Adaptation and Resilience
Climate Policy
Energy Transitions
Environmental Governance and Policy
SFC Perspectives on Adaptation and Resilience, Climate Policy, Energy Transitions, and Environmental Governance and Policy
SFC | 19 March 2024
SFC Perspectives are intended to stimulate discussion by providing an overview of key issues and avenues for action to inform India’s sustainable development trajectory.

SFC Perspectives
Adaptation and Resilience
Perspectives on Adaptation and Resilience: Building systems that allow India to adapt to climate impacts
Aditya Valiathan Pillai and Tamanna Dalal
SFC | 18 March 2024
The scale and complexity of the climate challenge merits serious consideration of systemic change, and a re-examination of what is needed for economy and society to thrive in an era of frequent, and often ravaging, climate impacts.

SFC Perspectives
Energy Transitions
Enabling the Energy Transition: Technology, politics & institutions in India’s energy system
Ashwini K Swain, Sarada Prasanna Das, Suravee Nayak, Catherine Ayallore and Navroz K Dubash
SFC | 18 March 2024
Our research and engagements at SFC focus on rethinking the configuration of technology, politics and institutions in Indian energy as a necessary complement to techno-economic solutions for enabling the transition.

SFC Perspectives
Climate Policy
Perspectives on Climate Policy: Embedding a development-centric, climate-ready approach to policymaking
Aman Srivastava, Easwaran J Narassimhan and Navroz K Dubash
SFC | 18 March 2024
The Climate Policy group within SFC approaches policy challenges through a strategic lens, aiming for long-term structural change by shifting discourse, building stronger institutions, and aligning conditions for implementation.

SFC Perspectives
Environmental Governance and Policy
Perspectives on Environmental Governance and Policy: Systemic transformations to limit the health burden of air pollution
Bhargav Krishna, Shibani Ghosh, Arunesh Karkun and Annanya Mahajan
SFC | 18 March 2024
We, at SFC, view reducing air pollution not only as a technical challenge, but also as a structural one that requires re-thinking our approach and the institutions that are tasked with addressing it.

Journal articles
Adaptation and Resilience
Environmental Governance and Policy
Impact of heatwaves on all-cause mortality in India: A comprehensive multi-city study
Jeroen de Bont, Amruta Nori-Sarma et al.
Environment International | 22 February 2024
The authors found strong evidence of heatwave impacts on daily mortality. Longer and more intense heatwaves were linked to an increased mortality risk, however, resulted in a lower burden of heatwave-related deaths.

Climate Policy
Design national framework climate laws to enable low-carbon resilient transformation
Navroz K Dubash
Science | 15 February 2024
In countries where politics are embedded in local development concerns such as job creation or environmental issues, an enabling approach to climate law may work better than a purely regulatory approach.

Journal articles
Climate Policy
Strategies for green industrial and innovation policy–an analysis of policy alignment, misalignment, and realignment around dominant designs in the EV sector
Easwaran J Narassimhan, Zdenka Myslikova et al.
Environmental Research Letters | 7 December 2023
This paper explores which combination of technology-push and demand-pull policies best situates a country to lead in clean energy innovation, as new or dominant designs emerge and replace older technologies. A new analytical framework for green industrial policy is applied to BEV drivetrain technology to examine the use of policy alignment and misalignment by countries with big automakers as they pursue strategic green industrial policy.

Environmental Governance and Policy
Why closing schools does not protect children from air pollution
Arunesh Karkun and Abinaya Sekar
Scroll | 28 November 2023
It absolves educational institutions and government agencies of their responsibility towards ensuring clean air while hampering learning outcomes.

Climate Policy
Rebalance attention from global target setting toward national climate politics and policy
Navroz K Dubash
Science | 6 October 2023
The first Global Stocktake (GST) confirms that progress in reducing emissions is well behind what is required to limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. What is to be done?

Books and book chapters
Energy Transitions
Uneven and Combined Development and the Politics of Labour in an Eastern Indian Coalfield: Shifts and Changes from Late Colonialism to Neoliberalism
Suravee Nayak
De Gruyter Oldenbourg | 4 October 2023
Taking as an example the Talcher coalfields in the eastern Indian state of Odisha, the chapter shows how uneven and combined development has led to the fragmentation of the local labour forces along the way.

Adaptation and Resilience
Himalayas: How Pattern Of Natural Disasters Leaves Locals In Cycle Of Construction And Destruction
Chetan Mahajan and Annanya Mahajan
Outlook | 11 September 2023
There is a pattern of natural disasters in the Himalayas, which leaves the local population caught in a cycle of construction and destruction.

Climate Policy
The G20 should forge a pact to support nations’ shifts to a low-carbon future
Navroz K Dubash
Nature | 5 July 2023
Fossil fuels should be used sparingly, in the areas where they contribute most to human welfare.

Climate Policy
USD 100 Billion: Delivering The Nucleus Of Climate Finance
Aman Srivastava
Outlook | 26 June 2023
Recent analysis has found that the finance that developed countries are reporting towards that USD 100 billion targets is not always going towards clear climate purposes – some of the projects that have been included in their reporting were a coal plant, a hotel expansion, chocolate stores, a movie, and an airport expansion.

Books and book chapters
Environmental Governance and Policy
Media, Politics and Environment: Analyzing Experiences from Europe and Asia
Detlef Briesen and Sarada Prasanna Das
Springer, Cham | 14 June 2023
The book studies how environmental protection is embedded in the political systems by comparing industrialized countries and emerging economies. It brings froward how concrete environmental policy emerges from a complex interplay of mass media and political conflicts.

Books and book chapters
Environmental Governance and Policy
State’s Commitment to Environmental Governance in India: Struggle Between Developmental Pressure and Sustainability Challenges
Sarada Prasanna Das
Springer, Cham | 14 June 2023
This chapter examines the concept and practice of environmental governance in India. It argues that balance in the environment-development trade-off is necessary to meet growth objectives and that enforcement measures do not necessarily obstruct the growth.

Energy Transitions
Seeing India’s energy transition through its States
Ashwini K Swain, Ann Josey et al.
The Hindu | 7 June 2023
States are critical actors in India’s energy transition as there is a multi-tier governance of energy production and usage.

Climate Policy
Keeping development at the forefront of India’s long-term climate strategy
Parth Bhatia, Mandakini Chandra et al.
Ideas for India | 5 June 2023
India’s Long Term Low Emissions Development Strategy (LT-LEDS) sets out multiple low-carbon transitions, highlighting that climate action will be intimately tied to developmental processes.This article identifies some of the challenges and opportunities embedded within these transitions, and reflects on how these will impact developmental priorities such as employment and energy security.

Journal articles
Energy Transitions
Intergenerational Labour and Just Transition in Coalfields
Suravee Nayak
The India Forum | 1 June 2023
In coal mining districts, the nature of labour dependence on working coal may change over time, but generations will continue to rely on the industry for their livelihoods. This leaves coal communities extremely vulnerable to an energy transition.

Adaptation and Resilience
Heatwaves will get worse. Invest in adapting now.
Aditya Valliathan Pillai and Satchit Balsari
Hindustan Times | 20 May 2023
India’s recent heat deaths are not outliers. They signal a dismal future unless we start taking the urgent threat of heat seriously.

Books and book chapters
Adaptation and Resilience
Climate Governance and Federalism in India
Aditya Valiathan Pillai and Navroz K Dubash
Cambridge University Press | 11 May 2023
The chapter puts forward a synthetic account of the forces shaping climate governance in India’s federal architecture, building on descriptions of environmental federalism; state actions in climate policy; and several recent policy moves by both the Centre and states.

Adaptation and Resilience
The gaps in India’s ‘heat action plans’
Aditya Valiathan Pillai
CarbonBrief | 26 March 2023
The Indian government’s primary policy response to the life-threatening heat comes in the form of “heat action plans”. These plans urge a healthy mix of different solution types but most plans do not account for local context, are underfunded and are poor at identifying and targeting vulnerable groups.

Climate Policy
A climate change survival guide to act on
Navroz K Dubash and Parth Bhatia
The Hindu | 24 March 2023
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change AR6 synthesis report is a sobering account of present and future damages to ecosystems.

Journal articles
Environmental Governance and Policy
What Is Polluting Delhi’s Air? A Review from 1990 to 2022
Sarath K Guttikunda, Sai Krishna Dammalapati et al.
Sustainability | 26 February 2023
The paper reviews the influence of Delhi’s urban growth since 1990 on pollution levels and sources and the evolution of technical, institutional, and legal measures to control emissions in the National Capital Region of Delhi.

Journal articles
Energy Transitions
Solar Rooftop Systems and the Urban Transition: Shall the Twain Ever Meet? Interrogations from Rewari, India
Marie-Hélène Zérah and Sarada Prasanna Das
Journal of Urban Technology | 24 February 2023
This study examines Solar Rooftop Systems (SRS) on Delhi’s outskirts. It reveals how current policies miss the mark by not emphasizing the need for a more integrated approach to urban energy planning that transcends the rural-urban divide.

Climate Policy
India can play a key role in climate cooperation
Navroz K Dubash
Hindustan Times | 13 February 2023
India took on a key position on the world stage by assuming the presidency of G20. This year, India will aim to provide leadership to a group of countries that comprises 85% of the world’s GDP and 60% of its population. India must use its presidency to push for greater cooperation to combat complex climate issues.

Energy Transitions
India’s just energy transition is more than a coal story
Easwaran J Narassimhan, Ashwini K Swain et al.
The Hindu | 6 February 2023
India’s G-20 presidency is an opportunity for New Delhi to negotiate a deal for itself while also shaping international cooperation on just energy transitions.

Climate Policy
Can a national carbon market help India cut both emissions and costs?
Aman Srivastava
Eco-Business | 26 January 2023
The market must work in sync with a range of policy instruments. Stable institutional and regulatory structures must balance competing interests and trade-offs to ensure optimum coverage, caps, pricing and reporting.

Environmental Governance and Policy
Anti-smog guns, sprinklers, dust suppressants: How effective are these quick-fixes to air pollution?
Abinaya Sekar and Bhargav Krishna
Scroll | 10 January 2023
With high water usage, questionable water quality and health risks, these methods have, at best, limited effects.

Climate Policy
Weather the Change
Navroz K Dubash
The Economic Times | 2 January 2023
2023 should be the year climate change is mainstreamed into India’s development decisions.

Journal articles
Energy Transitions
Coal extraction, dispossession and the ‘classes of labour’ in coalfields of eastern India
Suravee Nayak
The Journal of Peasant studies | 8 December 2022
This paper delves into the coalfields of eastern India, highlighting the emergence of multiple, fragmented and hierarchical ‘classes of labour’ in the ‘new public sector’ coal mines of India.

Climate Policy
COP27 and the ambiguity about responsibility
Aman Srivastava and Anirudh Sridhar
The Hindu | 26 November 2022
With the new Loss and Damage fund, the line between victim and perpetrator has been blurred

Climate Policy
Look beyond COP for climate action
Navroz K Dubash
Hindustan Times | 22 November 2022
COP27 will be marked for the loss and damage fund and stalled steps on reducing greenhouse gas emissions. But the time has arrived to focus on what nations are doing at home, not global meets.

Environmental Governance and Policy
Health as the focus of air pollution policy
Bhargav Krishna and Sagnik Dey
The Hindu | 16 November 2022
Health must be turned into a feature and eventually a function of air pollution policy

Climate Policy
Tackling climate governance in India
Navroz K Dubash and Anirudh Sridhar
IGC | 15 November 2022
Addressing climate change through policy may not be enough. Legislation around climate can ensure economy-wide outcomes. Broader political context will also need to be considered, in India as in the rest of the world, while drawing laws to ensure that both environmental and development objectives are met.

Climate Policy
As global warming proceeds, how can India introduce climate governance to law?
Navroz K Dubash and Anirudh Sridhar
Scroll | 9 November 2022
Starting with a governance functions approach – identifying the problems to be solved – allows legal reform to be tailored to disparate national contexts.

Environmental Governance and Policy
Three small steps can solidify Modi’s Mission LiFE—urban planning to behavioural change
Navroz K Dubash, Annanya Mahajan et al.
ThePrint | 4 November 2022
As India takes over the G20 presidency in December, LiFE offers a platform to promote individual-led demand-side interventions on the international stage.

Climate Policy
How could Indian law tackle climate governance?
Navroz K Dubash and Anirudh Sridhar
Ideas for India | 4 November 2022
As climate change becomes an increasing concern, addressing the problem only through policy may not be enough. In this piece, Dubash and Sridhar suggest that legislation around climate can ensure economy-wide outcomes, and put forth nine considerations that countries hoping to implement climate law should satisfy to effectively tackle climate change.

Environmental Governance and Policy
The weakest link in the air pollution fight
Shibani Ghosh and Bhargav Krishna
The Hindu | 2 November 2022
As key environmental indicators worsen across India, it is clear that State Pollution Control Boards and Pollution Control Committees are falling short in meeting their statutory mandate

Climate Policy
Two pivotal pillars that will dominate COP27
Navroz K Dubash
Hindustan Times | 1 November 2022
For the annual climate meet to facilitate action across the developed and developing world and enhance equity, North-South tensions on loss and damage as well as finance need redressal

Climate Policy
COP27: We Need To Improve Climate Models To Make Better Policy
Aman Srivastava and Kaveri Iychettira
The Wire: Science | 1 November 2022
As COP27 approaches, the spotlight once again turns to building a compelling national narrative around climate change – based on what India can do and what India needs.

Environmental Governance and Policy
For clean air, strengthen pollution control boards
Shibani Ghosh
Hindustan Times | 31 October 2022
The boards were envisioned as autonomous entities, and strong political will coupled with bureaucratic support is required to realise this vision, even if it constrains the government’s (other) policy objectives.

Environmental Governance and Policy
Addressing North India’s burning issue sustainably
Bhargav Krishna
The Hindu | 21 October 2022
The issue of crop stubble burning cannot be addressed in a silo and using short-term, unsustainable solutions

Climate Policy
As India Readies Its Carbon Market, a Q&A of What’s at Stake
Aman Srivastava and Ashwini K Swain
The Wire: Science | 20 October 2022
The creation of a national carbon market in India, depending on its institutional setup, policy integration and design could offer a mechanism to reduce emissions – or it could result in serious economic costs. The authors here put forth seven key considerations for its design – including India’s growth objectives, trade balance, fiscal revenues, and the effect on its MSMEs.

Climate Policy
Trade-offs in carbon trading: Can a carbon market yield benefits for India?
Aman Srivastava and Ashwini K Swain
Ideas for India | 18 October 2022
The creation of a national carbon market in India, depending on its institutional setup, policy integration, and design could offer a mechanism for reducing emissions, or it could result in serious economic costs.

Adaptation and Resilience
Forging a national consensus on climate adaptation is key
Aditya Valliathan Pillai
Hindustan Times | 7 September 2022
Adaptation is best seen as a long-term anti-poverty measure whose policy relevance grows as the zone of climate vulnerability expands on the Indian map

Climate Policy
Choosing a climate action path wisely
Navroz K Dubash
Hindustan Times | 5 September 2022
For a climate-sensitive development plan, India must walk a line between the ‘development-first climate-later’ view and the ‘untrammelled opportunity’ view

Energy Transitions
Why India’s Framework to Bank Renewable Energy Needs To Be Stronger
Catherine Ayallore
The Wire: Science | 22 August 2022
A technological solution to renewable energy source’s intermittency is the physical storage of energy. Thus, storage technologies are critical to a transition to RE heavy energy systems.

Climate Policy
India needs to build a ‘climate-ready’ state
Navroz K Dubash
The Hindu | 15 August 2022
As climate change has already affected what constitutes effective development, a growing, aspirational nation such as India needs to factor climate considerations into its vision of future development

Environmental Governance and Policy
Why a Niti Aayog study on the economic costs of ‘judicial activism’ must be viewed with scepticism
Annanya Mahajan
Scroll | 8 August 2022
The report fails to make its evaluations in an unbiased and rigorous manner.

Climate Policy
Pledges, plans, and actions: An analysis of India’s Panchamrit pledges
Aman Srivastava and Ashwini K Swain
Ideas for India | 12 July 2022
In anticipation of India updating its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), Aman Srivastava and Ashwini Swain evaluate the climate pledges made by Prime Minister Modi at COP26.

Climate Policy
India at bottom in EPI 2022 but environment survey confuses and stifles honest discussion on climate change
Navroz K Dubash and Sharachchandra Lele
Indian Express | 14 June 2022
Methodology of Yale-Columbia Environmental Performance Index is indefensible, tone-deaf on ethics, ignorant of a long literature on climate equity, and inconsistent with broadly accepted politics.

Journal articles
Energy Transitions
Migrant Workers in the Coal Mines of India: Precarity, Resilience and the Pandemic
Suravee Nayak
SageJournals | 3 June 2022
Drawing from ethnographic fieldwork undertaken in the Talcher coalfields of Odisha, the article argues that the labouring lives of migrant workers from marginalised communities have been invisiblised in a ‘shadow economy’ of coal extraction through subcontracting and labour recruitment by local contractors working with state-owned coal companies.

Energy Transitions
Band-Aid Solutions Won’t Staunch India’s Power Crisis
Ashwini K Swain and Rohit Chandra
The India Forum | 31 May 2022
Current short-term fixes for India’s power crisis neither address rising uncertainty in the electricity system nor are aligned to a transition towards a 21st century energy system.

Climate Policy
Climate Faultlines: India’s Lessons from the Glasgow COP26 Climate Negotiations
Navroz K Dubash
The India Forum | 11 May 2022
India’s engagement in Glasgow, while storied and multi-faceted, also exposed faultlines in Indian climate politics; the faultlines in framing, policy, institutions, and diplomacy need to be addressed cogently if the country is to successfully negotiate the many transitions ahead.

Energy Transitions
Three interlinking factors that explain the coal crisis
Ashwini K Swain
Hindustan Times | 5 May 2022
The current crisis can be explained by a demand surge, supply disruptions and dysfunctional cash flow.

Energy Transitions
Policy packages could transform India’s approach to the climate crisis
Parth Bhatia and Navroz K Dubash
ET Energyworld | 29 April 2022
For a country like India, a policy package approach could help unlock the social acceptability of transformative action.

Climate Policy
Climate crisis: No universal solutions
Navroz K Dubash
Hindustan Times | 5 April 2022
The latest IPCC report says the world is not on track for achieving the mitigation goals. The response to that should be to redouble efforts and limit harm to the extent possible

Adaptation and Resilience
Karnataka’s crumbling coastline shows climate battles are political
Aditya Valiathan Pillai
Scroll | 30 March 2022
As the sea ravages coastal settlements, seawalls are springing up. But real solutions lie elsewhere, far away from the coast.

Environmental Governance and Policy
Air Crisis: India’s Toothless Pollution Response, Delhi-Centric Discourse To Blame
Bhargav Krishna
The Wire: Science | 28 March 2022
Air pollution is a national emergency. We must reject the discourse centred solely around Delhi and eschew the techno-fixes currently dominating the discourse and recognise the long-term transitions necessary to sustainably improve air quality.

Journal articles
Climate Policy
Carbon Pricing in the US: Examining State-Level Policy Support and Federal Resistance
Easwaran J Narassimhan, Stefan Koester et al.
Politics and Governance | 17 March 2022
Federal carbon pricing in the US suffers from the lack of any natural and/or consistent constituency to support it through policy development, legislation, and implementation. While interest group politics have been mitigated by good policy entrepreneurship at the subnational level, the lack of policy entrepreneurship and the changing positions of competing interest groups have kept a federal carbon pricing policy from becoming a reality.

Adaptation and Resilience
जलवायु संकट में भारत की संघीय प्रणाली की पुनर्कल्पना
Parth Bhatia, Navroz K Dubash et al.
Ideas for India | 15 March 2022
सभी देशों की तरह भारत के लिए भी, जलवायु परिवर्तन एक अत्यंत तेजी से बढती समस्या बन गई है। इस लेख के जरिये पिल्लई एवं अन्य तर्क देते हैं कि इस समस्या के समाधान के लिए भारत की संघीय प्रणाली की पुनर्कल्पना करने की आवश्यकता है, क्योंकि भारत के संविधान में जलवायु संबंधी कई क्षेत्रों में राज्यों के महत्वपूर्ण कर्त्तव्य निर्धारित किये गए हैं। वे जलवायु नीति में संस्थागत सुधार हेतु एक नए दृष्टिकोण का सुझाव देते हैं, जो राष्ट्रीय लक्ष्यों के लिए अपने कार्यों का समन्वय करते हुए राज्यों को पर्याप्त लचीलापन देगा।

Adaptation and Resilience
Reimagining Indian federalism in the climate crisis
Parth Bhatia, Navroz K Dubash et al.
Ideas for India | 7 February 2022
Addressing the issue of climate change requires reimagining Indian federalism, as the Indian Constitution gives states a crucial role in several arenas of climate action. The authors propose a new approach to institutional reform in climate policy, one that gives states adequate flexibility while coordinating their actions for national goals.

Environmental Governance and Policy
Bad air: Ad hocism won’t work anymore
Bhargav Krishna and Shibani Ghosh
Hindustan Times | 23 December 2021
Air pollution is a complex societal problem. We must recognise this and focus our attention on long-term policy pathways with clear goals and timelines

Journal articles
Adaptation and Resilience
Climate Policy
National climate institutions complement targets and policies
Navroz K Dubash, Aditya Valiathan Pillai et al.
Science | 4 November 2021
The paper suggests how countries can sequence the formation of climate institutions given the constraints of national politics and existing national political institutions.

Journal articles
Climate Policy
Climate change research and the search for solutions: rethinking interdisciplinarity
E Lisa F Schipper, Navroz K Dubash et al.
Springer | 18 October 2021
For different knowledge systems to work better together toward climate solutions, we need to reframe the way questions are asked and research pursued, in order to inform action without slipping into reductionism.

Journal articles
Adaptation and Resilience
Climate Policy
Varieties of climate governance: the emergence and functioning of climate institutions
Navroz K Dubash
Taylor & Francis | 1 October 2021
How do states respond to the challenge of climate governance? Drawing on a collection of country studies, this paper outlines a framework to explain the path-dependent emergence of climate institutions.

Journal articles
Adaptation and Resilience
Climate Policy
Special Issue on ‘Varieties of Climate Governance’ in Environmental Politics (all articles)
Navroz K Dubash
Taylor & Francis | 1 October 2021
Drawing on cases spanning four developed and four developing countries with an analytical overview, the paper examines the conditions under which climate institutions emerge, the forms they take, and the governance functions they serve.

Environmental Governance and Policy
Clearing the air through the revised WHO guidelines
Bhargav Krishna and Santosh Harish
Hindustan Times | 25 September 2021
The revised WHO guidelines are a clear nudge from the health sector towards the deep decarbonisation of India’s economy

Journal articles
Climate Policy
Utilitarian benchmarks for emissions and pledges promote equity, climate and development
Mark B Budolfson, David Anthoff et al.
Nature Climate Change | 13 September 2021
Tools are needed to benchmark carbon emissions and pledges against criteria of equity and fairness, but standard economic approaches ignore equity. This paper proposes a utilitarian benchmark computed in a transparent optimization framework, which could usefully inform the equity benchmark debate.

Adaptation and Resilience
Climate Policy
Hot and Flooded: What the IPCC Report Forecasts for India’s Development Future
Mandakini Chandra, Arunesh Karkun et al.
The Wire Science | 4 September 2021
To embark on a low-carbon development pathway, India will need an institutional architecture with a more strategic bent.

Journal articles
Climate Policy
From fossil to low carbon: The evolution of global public energy innovation
Fang Zhang, Kelly Sims Gallagher et al.
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change | 17 August 2021
Global government energy RD&D investments between 2000-2018 are decarbonizing. Nuclear has held steady, fossil fuels have decreased, and clean energy has increased. China and India have now joined the United States and Japan in the ranks of the top four countries overall.

Books and book chapters
Environmental Governance and Policy
International Environmental Law in the Courts of India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan
Shibani Ghosh
Oxford University Press | 12 August 2021
Given development imperatives in these countries, courts are often faced with the ‘economy/development versus environment’ question. In such situations, the courts rely on IEL in an instrumental fashion in support of the final outcome of the case, rather than engaging with the substantive content of the IEL principles.

Journal articles
Environmental Governance and Policy
Daily nonaccidental mortality associated with short-term PM2.5 exposures in Delhi, India
Bhargav Krishna, Siddhartha Mandal et al.
Environmental Epidemiology | 3 August 2021
Delhi is one of the most polluted cities on the planet, with ambient PM2.5 levels routinely exceeding acceptable levels and contributing to a significant burden of disease. This is the first study to provide evidence of the association between short-term PM2.5 exposures and mortality in Delhi.

Adaptation and Resilience
Climate Policy
States are the beating heart of climate action
Navroz K Dubash, Aditya Valiathan Pillai et al.
Hindustan Times | 2 August 2021
The Centre can play an important supporting role by providing credible analysis on low-carbon policy choices to the states when required.

Adaptation and Resilience
Climate Policy
Design a climate-ready governance system
Navroz K Dubash, Aditya Valiathan Pillai et al.
Hindustan Times | 24 June 2021
India needs new dedicated organisations, policy frameworks, and financing mechanisms. Begin with a low-carbon development commission

Journal articles
Adaptation and Resilience
Climate Policy
The limits of opportunism: the uneven emergence of climate institutions in India
Aditya Valiathan Pillai and Navroz K Dubash
Taylor & Francis | 7 June 2021
The politics of opportunism has animated institutional development in India. The paper looks at the emergence and decline of climate institutions over three decades, showing how political conditions have shaped institutional form.

Climate Policy
Developing countries need to chart their own course to net zero emissions
Navroz K Dubash, Harald Winkler et al.
The Conversation | 4 May 2021
Translating complex climate science into language people understand has always been difficult. At various times, the aim of different climate policies has been holding average global temperature rise to 2°C or 1.5°C, or ensuring emissions peak by a particular year. Net zero targets are the most recent attempt to simplify the climate crisis in order to make it manageable.

Climate Policy
Green Industrial Policy: A Delicate Dance between Socio-Economic and Environmental Objectives
Easwaran J Narassimhan
Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy | 1 April 2021
The central purpose of this dissertation is to examine how countries at different stages of economic development address socio-economic objectives through green industrial policies, focusing mainly on the employment implications of their policies. The dissertation draws on interviews with more than 100 experts in China, India, South Africa, and Ethiopia to analyze the employment implications of specific green industrial policy strategies, policy choices, and policy design and the role of government in managing the same.

Climate Policy
Net-zero emission targets are a hollow pledge
Navroz K Dubash
Hindustan Times | 24 March 2021
India needs a path that shows how a focus on opportunities for low-carbon development is more likely, in practice, to deliver emissions reductions than abstract future 2050 pledges

Climate Policy
Proposing a new climate agenda for India
Navroz K Dubash
Hindustan Times | 24 March 2021
The Indian road to leadership should be based on near-term actions, institutional strengthening, and a combination of mid- and long-term targets

Energy Transitions
The surge of geopolitics in South Asia’s power trade
Aditya Valliathan Pillai
The Hindu | 24 March 2021
India’s new trade rules are political and an irritant; instead, New Delhi should be planning a stable institutional model

Climate Policy
Give young environmentalists a voice
Navroz K Dubash
Hindustan Times | 22 February 2021
India has always argued that climate is linked to development choices, livelihoods and equity. Don’t ask activists to narrow down their concerns

Books and book chapters
Climate Policy
Environmental Governance and Policy
Climate Litigation in India
Shibani Ghosh
Springer | 22 January 2021
A review of the legal and regulatory landscape in India reveals that the main environment and energy related laws, policies and regulatory processes offer several hooks to bring climate claims to courts.

Journal articles
Energy Transitions
Banking on coal? Drivers of demand for Chinese overseas investments in coal in Bangladesh, India, Indonesia and Vietnam
Kelly Sims Gallagher, Rishikesh Bhandary et al.
Energy Research & Social Science | 14 January 2021
This paper investigates why new coal-fired power plants are being financed and built in South and Southeast Asia given that new coal plants without carbon capture and storage are incompatible with a 1.5 °C temperature goal. The paper particularly focuses on developing countries where these coal-fired power plants are being built that are recipients of Chinese government-backed finance.

Environmental Governance and Policy
What Can COVID-19 Teach Our Government About Communicating Air Quality?
Sharon Mathew and Arunesh Karkun
The Wire Science | 16 December 2020
Making information widely accessible to the people has been central to India’s COVID-19 response. So if governments were to raise awareness and disseminate information on air pollution the way they have done with COVID-19, what might that look like?

Journal articles
Environmental Governance and Policy
EIA 2020: Two Steps Back…
Shibani Ghosh
The India Forum | 2 September 2020
The draft Environment Impact Notification 2020 has been widely criticised because it is not designed to protect the environment. It will further weaken the 2006 EIA and rather than deter violations, encourage them.

Journal articles
Environmental Governance and Policy
Leveraging Existing Cohorts to Study Health Effects of Air Pollution on Cardiometabolic Disorders: India Global Environmental and Occupational Health Hub
Gagandeep K Walia, Siddhartha Mandal et al.
Environmental Health Insights | 20 August 2020
In the Global Environmental and Occupational Health (GEOHealth) Program, we aim to build exposure assessment model to estimate ambient air pollution exposure at a very fine resolution which can be linked with health outcomes leveraging well-phenotyped cohorts which have information on geolocation of households of study participants.

Environmental Governance and Policy
Draft EIA notification dilutes environmental protections, is in denial of ecological crises
Shibani Ghosh
The Indian Express | 11 August 2020
The environment ministry needs to be clear about its role — its mandate is to create and sustain a regulatory framework that prevents the plunder of our natural resources, not actively accelerate the pace of environmental devastation.

Journal articles
Energy Transitions
Rethinking India’s Energy Policy
Radhika Khosla and Navroz K Dubash
Economic and Political Weekly | 8 August 2020
The paper examines the state of play in energy supply and demand, and argues for the recovery of an older tradition of attention to energy demand patterns in addition to energy supply.

Journal articles
Environmental Governance and Policy
Exposure to Particulate Matter Is Associated With Elevated Blood Pressure and Incident Hypertension in Urban India
Dorairaj Prabhakaran, Siddhartha Mandal et al.
Hypertension | 3 August 2020
The study finds a temporal association between high levels of ambient air pollution, higher systolic BP, and incident hypertension. Given that high BP is an important risk factor of cardiovascular disease, reducing ambient air pollution is likely to have meaningful clinical and public health benefits.

Environmental Governance and Policy
The interplay between the pandemic and pollution
Santosh Harish and Shibani Ghosh
Hindustan Times | 16 July 2020
It offers some opportunities. But the key is in contesting bad policies, which dilute environmental norms, processes

Journal articles
Climate Policy
Climate laws help reduce emissions
Navroz K Dubash
Nature Climate Change | 13 July 2020
Over the last two decades, many countries have passed laws addressing climate change and related areas. Research now shows that these laws make a difference to emission outcomes, but the pathways of impact require further research.

Energy Transitions
Global solar grid could cause sun burns
Aditya Valiathan Pillai
Financial Express | 25 June 2020
India’s recent experiences, and successful global models, deliver a clear message- power pools can’t be built without an institutional architecture other countries trust

Adaptation and Resilience
Climate Policy
A convergence of crises
Aditya Valiathan Pillai
The Hindu | 10 June 2020
Policy ideas should marry employment and industrial priorities with green outcomes

Energy Transitions
How Covid-19 can affect India’s energy transition goals
Ashwini K Swain
Hindustan Times | 8 May 2020
We must use this critical juncture to push for positive reforms and overdue structural changes to build a resilient electricity future

Energy Transitions
The politics of power in times of a pandemic
Ashwini K Swain
Hindustan Times | 20 April 2020
There is a slump in demand for electricity. This will create a financial crisis. But can it lead to reforms?

Journal articles
Adaptation and Resilience
China and India in the Himalayan climate crisis
Aditya Valiathan Pillai
India Seminar | 1 April 2020
This article describes an unprecedented threat to large parts of India and China due to receding glaciers in the Himalaya. It posits that this threat will require these countries to redefine their security calculus by incorporating an ecological dimension.

Climate Policy
Energy Transitions
Imagining a different, better future
Navroz K Dubash
Hindustan Times | 26 March 2020
If sustained, behavioural changes, induced by Covid-19, can alter the way we live and work

Energy Transitions
Prepaid power is not the silver bullet to solve problem of discom finances
Ashwini K Swain
The Indian Express | 10 March 2020
The Centre’s push for smart meters may be an important ingredient for transitioning to a 21st century electricity-system. However, let us not pretend it is the silver bullet to solve the long-standing problems of discom finance and losses.

Journal articles
Climate Policy
Emissions: World has four times the work or one-third of the time
Niklas Höhne, Michel den Elzen et al.
Nature | 4 March 2020
A decade of insufficient political action on climate change means that nations must now do four times the work — or do the same in one-third of the time — to comply with the climate pact they made in Paris.

Journal articles
Environmental Governance and Policy
Litigating Climate Claims in India
Shibani Ghosh
Cambridge University Press | 3 February 2020
This essay examines climate litigation in India by observing what one can interpret from the current set of climate cases, and predicting that while conditions are favorable for climate litigation in India to grow, in the near future climate claims are likely to remain peripheral issues.

Environmental Governance and Policy
Three ways by which Delhi’s Kejriwal govt can fulfil its promise to curb air pollution
Santosh Harish and Navroz K Dubash
ThePrint | 27 January 2020
On Delhi air pollution, the AAP government shouldn’t throw its hands up but formulate a concrete plan.

Climate Policy
Bracing for the storm
Navroz K Dubash
India Today | 13 January 2020
To tackle climate change, not only does India need to pivot into a low-carbon future, it also needs to step up as a leader of climate-vulnerable countries.

Books and book chapters
Environmental Governance and Policy
The Environment (Regulation in India: Design, Capacity, Performance, Hart Publishing)
Shibani Ghosh
7 June 2019
The book chapter analyses the design, implementation, and enforcement of two environmental laws passed by the Parliament – the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1974 and the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 – with a view to understanding the factors that contribute to the failure of pollution regulation in India.

Journal articles
Energy Transitions
The Disruptive Politics of Renewable Energy
Navroz K Dubash, Ashwini K Swain and Parth Bhatia
The India Forum | 22 May 2019
In making the shift to renewable energy, India has to manage the disruption of long-standing institutional and political arrangements in ways that enable clean energy in a sustainable manner.

Books and book chapters
Climate Policy
Energy Transitions
Environmental Governance and Policy
The Ecological Costs of Doing Business: Environment, Energy and Climate Change
Navroz K Dubash and Shibani Ghosh
Penguin India | 1 February 2019
An assessment of the government’s actions in areas of environment, energy and climate change with a view to interpreting its track record.

Journal articles
Energy Transitions
The Price of Power: The political economy of electricity trade and hydropower development in eastern South Asia
Aditya Valiathan Pillai and Sagar Prasai
The Asia Foundation | 11 January 2019
This article frames the political economy of electricity trade and hydropower development in eastern South Asia. It argues that progress in both electricity trade and hydropower development in the region will be incremental in the next decade, hindered by mixed demand signals and the turbulence of geopolitics.

Books and book chapters
Climate Policy
India in a Warming World: Integrating Climate Change and Development
Navroz K Dubash
Oxford University Press | 1 January 2019
This book brings together perspectives from leading researchers, activists, and policymakers to provide clarity on why India should engage with climate change and how it can best do so. It argues that while the climate crisis is becoming an increasing existential challenge, a pathway to development innocent of climate change is no longer available for India.

Books and book chapters
Environmental Governance and Policy
Indian Environmental Law: Key Concepts and Principles
Shibani Ghosh
Orient BlackSwan | 1 January 2019
The book studies the evolution of the environmental legal framework in India. It explores the judicial reasoning and underlying assumptions in landmark judgments of the Supreme Court, the High Courts and the National Green Tribunal.

Books and book chapters
Environmental Governance and Policy
Public Trust Doctrine in Indian Environmental Law
Shibani Ghosh
Orient BlackSwan | 1 January 2019
The chapter examines the growth and application of the public trust doctrine, and explains why it is difficult to identify how the doctrine could lend predictability to decision-making regarding public trust properties.

Books and book chapters
Environmental Governance and Policy
Procedural Environmental Rights in Indian Law
Shibani Ghosh
Orient BlackSwan | 1 January 2019
The chapter examines three procedural environmental rights – the right to information, the right to public participation, and the right to access to justice – in detail, and identifies loopholes and limitations in the adjudication of each right.

Books and book chapters
Climate Policy
National Climate Policies and Institutions
Navroz K Dubash and Shibani Ghosh
Oxford University Press | 1 January 2019
This chapter sets the stage for a discussion on policies by reviewing the emergence of national policies and national institutions. It also covers the spread of climate institutions, which while weak and in their early stages, provide the spaces within which climate discussion is likely to be mainstreamed, if at all, in coming years.

Books and book chapters
Climate Policy
India’s Evolving Climate Change Debate: From Diplomatic Insulation to Policy Integration
Navroz K Dubash
Oxford University Press | 1 January 2019
The chapter explains the changing context for climate change debates in India, from one focused on diplomatic concerns of equity and responsibility for the problem, to one equally concerned with understanding its development implications.

Journal articles
Environmental Governance and Policy
The impact of air pollution on deaths, disease burden, and life expectancy across the states of India: the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017
India-State Level Disease Burden Initiative Air Pollution Collaborators
The Lancet Planetary Health | 5 December 2018
India has disproportionately high mortality and disease burden due to air pollution. This burden is generally highest in the low Socio-demographic Index (SDI) states of north India.

Journal articles
Climate Policy
Energy Transitions
More priorities, more problems? Decision-making with multiple energy, development and climate objectives
Ankit Bhardwaj, Madhura Joshi et al.
Energy Research & Social Science | 22 November 2018
This study addresses the challenge energy decision-makers face in aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement, emphasizing the need for multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) to navigate the complex interplay of energy systems with social and environmental goals.

Books and book chapters
Energy Transitions
Mapping Power: The Political Economy of Electricity in India’s States
Navroz K Dubash, Sunila S Kale et al.
Oxford | 3 September 2018
Mapping Power provides an analysis of the political economy of electricity in fifteen Indian states. The book emphasizes that successful reform efforts should aim at a positive dynamic between electricity reform and electoral success.

Books and book chapters
Energy Transitions
Protecting Power: The Politics of Partial Reforms in Punjab
Ashwini K Swain
Oxford | 3 September 2018
This chapter analyses how the power sector has evolved in Punjab, especially through institutional restructuring and policy reforms, with the objective to examine the policy choices, outcomes, winners, and losers at the state level.

Books and book chapters
Energy Transitions
Poverty in the Midst of Abundance: Repressive Populism, Bureaucratization, and Supply-side Bias in Madhya Pradesh’s Power Sector
Ashwini K Swain
Oxford | 3 September 2018
This chapter examines the political economy of transitions in MP’s power sector, with the objective of identifying drivers of policy choices and their outcomes.

Books and book chapters
Energy Transitions
Transforming Reforms: Hype, Hostility, and Placation in Andhra Pradesh’s Power Sector Reforms
Ashwini K Swain
Oxford | 3 September 2018
This chapter explores the political economy of AP’s electricity sector transitions over four periods, with the objective to explain the drivers of policy choices and their outcomes.

Journal articles
Climate Policy
India and Climate Change: Evolving Ideas and Increasing Policy Engagement
Navroz K Dubash, Radhika Khosla et al.
Annual Review of Environment and Resources | 15 August 2018
This article traces India’s evolving stance in global climate policy and politics, examining the shifts in knowledge, ethics, and governance that have shaped its domestic and international climate policies.

Journal articles
Climate Policy
Experience with carbon taxes and greenhouse gas emissions trading systems
Erik Haites, Duan Maosheng et al.
Duke Environmental Law & Policy Forum | 26 July 2018
Carbon taxes and emissions trading systems (ETSs) to limit emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) are increasingly common. At the end of 2015, 17 GHG ETSs were operational in 55 jurisdictions, and 18 jurisdictions collected at least one carbon tax. This paper assesses the performance of carbon taxes and ETSs with respect to environmental effectiveness (reduction of emissions regulated by the instrument), cost-effectiveness (marginal abatement cost), economic efficiency, public finance, and administrative issues.

Journal articles
Environmental Governance and Policy
Appellate Authorities under Pollution Control Laws in India: Powers, Problems and Potential
Shibani Ghosh, Sharachchandra Lele et al.
Law Environment and Development Journal | 19 July 2018
This paper focuses on an often overlooked aspect of environmental grievance redressal, viz., the effectiveness of existing redressal forums. It evaluates the effectiveness of environmental redressal forums viz., the Appellate Authorities constituted under the Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1974 [the Water Act] and the Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act 1981 [Air Act] on two broad dimensions: (1) ability to deliver good quality decisions and (2) accessibility.

Journal articles
Climate Policy
Energy Transitions
The role of demand-side incentives and charging infrastructure on plug-in electric vehicle adoption: analysis of US States
Easwaran J Narassimhan and Caley Johnson
Environmental Research Letters | 13 July 2018
In the US, over 400 state and local incentives have been issued to increase the adoption of plug-in electric vehicles (PEVs) since 2008. This article quantifies the influence of key incentives and enabling factors like charging infrastructure and receptive demographics on PEV adoption.

Journal articles
Climate Policy
National climate change mitigation legislation, strategy and targets: a global update
Gabriela Iacobuta, Navroz K Dubash et al.
Climate Policy | 4 July 2018
This paper analyses trends in adoption of national climate legislation and strategies, GHG targets, and renewable and energy efficiency targets in almost all UNFCCC Parties, focusing on the period from 2007 to 2017. Results show that national climate legislation and strategies witnessed a strong increase in the first half of the assessed decade, but have somewhat stagnated in recent years.

Journal articles
Climate Policy
India’s energy and emissions future: An interpretive analysis of model scenarios
Navroz K Dubash, Radhika Khosla et al.
Environmental Research Letters | 4 July 2018
This piece examines India’s complex role in global climate mitigation, analyzing its varied perceptions from a significant emitter to a low-carbon leader amid development uncertainties. It introduces an interpretive approach to forecast India’s energy and emissions, suggesting that current policies may align with its Paris Agreement goals.

Journal articles
Climate Policy
Whose carbon is burnable? Equity considerations in the allocation of a “right to extract”
Sivan Kartha, Simon Caney et al.
Springer | 24 May 2018
The principles and framework laid out here are offered as a contribution to understanding the nature of the potential impacts of a transition, principles for equitably sharing the costs of avoiding them, and guidance for prioritizing which fossil resources can still be extracted.

Journal articles
Climate Policy
Carbon pricing in practice: A review of existing emissions trading systems
Easwaran J Narassimhan, Kelly S. Gallagher et al.
Climate Policy | 6 May 2018
This article analyses the implementation of emissions trading systems (ETSs) in eight jurisdictions: the EU, Switzerland, the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI) and California in the US, Québec in Canada, New Zealand, the Republic of Korea and pilot schemes in China. The article clarifies what is working, what isn’t and why, when it comes to the practice of implementing an ETS. The eight ETSs are evaluated against five main criteria: environmental effectiveness, economic efficiency, market management, revenue management and stakeholder engagement.

Journal articles
Climate Policy
Cascading biases against poorer countries
Sivan Kartha, Tom Athanasiou et al.
Nature | 27 April 2018
This correspondence presents a response to du Pont et. al for suggesting that wealthier countries have made more ‘equitable’ contributions to the Paris goals than poorer countries, and points out the biases towards wealthier nations in the approach and methodology adopted.

Journal articles
Climate Policy
Multi-criteria decision analysis in policy-making for climate mitigation and development
Brett Cohen, Hernán Blanco et al.
Climate and Development | 5 March 2018
This paper explores the potential for using approaches that fall under the umbrella of multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) in guiding analyses and policy-making that relate to the climate mitigation–development interface.

Journal articles
Environmental Governance and Policy
Tackling the health burden of air pollution in South Asia
Bhargav Krishna, Kalpana Balakrishnan et al.
BMJ | 17 November 2017
Bhargav Krishna and colleagues call for health driven, multisectoral policy making with defined air quality targets to curb the impact of air pollution exposure in South Asia

Journal articles
Climate Policy
Trump’s Toxic Announcement on Climate Change
Navroz K Dubash
Economic & Political Weekly | 17 June 2017
President Donald Trump’s announcement that the United States will exit from the Paris Agreement betrays a fundamental misunderstanding of the way the agreement works. It also goes against long-agreed climate principles, and is blind to emergent clean energy trends.

Journal articles
Environmental Governance and Policy
Redefining public health leadership in the sustainable development goal era
K Srinath Reddy, Manu Raj Mathur et al.
Health Policy and Planning | 3 June 2017
There is a need to reassess what constitutes effective leadership in public health, through a construct that reflects the interdependence of leadership at multiple levels across the health system and its partners in other sectors.

Journal articles
Climate Policy
Recovering Key Strategic Concepts in India’s Climate Policy
Navroz K Dubash and Radhika Khosla
Economic & Political Weekly | 11 June 2016
A reply to ‘Paris Agreement: Differentiation without Historical Responsibility?’ by Kirit S Parikh and Jyoti K Parikh (EPW, 9 April 2016), which deepens the discussion on the key concepts of co-benefits and historical responsibility.

Books and book chapters
Environmental Governance and Policy
Public Participation in Indian Environmental Law
Lavanya Rajamani and Shibani Ghosh
Oxford University Press | 31 March 2016
The chapter examines the participatory processes under the Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Notification, 2006 and the Forest Rights Act, 2006. It describes the opportunities provided for public engagement in the two laws and evaluates whether the participatory processes are indeed effective and whether public concerns can influence regulatory outcomes.

Journal articles
Adaptation and Resilience
Climate Policy
Evolution of Institutions for Climate Policy in India
Navroz K Dubash and Neha B Joseph
Economic & Political Weekly | 16 January 2016
The growing focus on climate policy in India is not matched by an equivalent level of attention to institutions . Effective institutions are also needed for the design, coordination and implementation of policy. This paper examines the functioning of institutions, organised around three periods: pre-2007; 2007 to 2009 and 2010 to mid-2014.

Books and book chapters
Energy Transitions
Climate Change through the Lens of Energy Transformation
Navroz K Dubash
The MIT Press | 1 January 2016
This chapter explores existing conversations around energy transformation for a New Earth and puts forward ideas toward a conversation that might bridge the divide between how energy is supplied versus those who emphasize the demand side.

Journal articles
Adaptation and Resilience
Climate Policy
State-led experimentation or centrally-motivated replication? A study of state action plans on climate change in India
Anu Jogesh and Navroz K Dubash
Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences | 18 December 2015
Through an examination of state climate plans in five Indian states, the paper explores the implications of sub-national climate measures. Through an empirically driven inductive analysis, the paper argues that because state climate plans, at least in the initial stages, followed a centrally driven, and sometimes ambiguous agenda, their scope and room to experiment was circumscribed.

Journal articles
Climate Policy
Towards Methodologies for Multiple Objective-Based Energy and Climate Policy
Radhika Khosla, Srihari Dukkipati et al.
Economic & Political Weekly | 5 December 2015
Planning for India’s energy future requires addressing multiple and simultaneous economic, social and environmental challenges. This paper proposes a “multi-criteria decision analysis” approach to this problem, using illustrative examples from the cooking and buildings sectors

Journal articles
Climate Policy
Neither Brake Nor Accelerator: Assessing India’s Climate Contribution
Navroz K Dubash and Radhika Khosla
Economic & Political Weekly | 17 October 2015
This article examines India’s INDC through each lens, to understand the implied logic with regard to India’s complex climate-development choices, and with regard to its strategic international choices. It finds that the INDC reflects, as yet, an inadequate consideration of the climate and development linkages that should inform India’s actions.

Journal articles
Climate Policy
Integrating Global Climate Change Mitigation Goals with Other Sustainability Objectives: A Synthesis
Christoph von Stechow, David McCollum et al.
Annual Review of Environment and Resources | 24 September 2015
Achieving a truly sustainable energy transition requires progress across multiple dimensions beyond climate change mitigation goals. This article reviews and synthesizes results from disparate strands of literature on the coeffects of mitigation to inform climate policy choices at different governance levels.

Books and book chapters
Climate Policy
Multilateral Diplomacy on Climate Change
Navroz K Dubash and Lavanya Rajamani
The Oxford Handbook of Foreign Policy in India | 23 July 2015
This article reviews India’s foreign policy on climate change, arguing that while it is marked by tactical virtuosity, it increasingly exhibits strategic vacuity.

Journal articles
Environmental Governance and Policy
Reforming the liability regime for air pollution in India
Shibani Ghosh
Environmental Law and Practice Review | 7 June 2015
The article, published in Environmental Law and Practice Review, discusses the relevant provisions of the law pertaining to liability for causing air pollution, identifies critical issues that have emerged in the current liability regime, and proposes a way forward.

Journal articles
Climate Policy
Building Productive Links between the UNFCCC and the Broader Global Climate Governance Landscape
Michele Betsill, Navroz K Dubash et al.
Global Environmental Politics | 1 May 2015
With this article, the authors seek to open a research agenda that takes a more sophisticated approach to the question of linkages within the broader global climate governance landscape.

Journal articles
Climate Policy
Who determines transformational change in development and climate finance?
Harald Winkler and Navroz K Dubash
Climate Policy | 18 April 2015
There is a potential tension between mitigation-focused transformation and nationally driven sustainable development. This paper explores this tension in the context of operationalizing the Green Climate Fund (GCF), which has to deal with the fundamental tension between country ownership and transformational change.

Journal articles
Environmental Governance and Policy
Book Review: The ‘Green’ Quotient in the Supreme Court
Shibani Ghosh
Economic & Political Weekly | 31 January 2015
A book review of ‘Environmental Jurisprudence and the Supreme Court: Litigation, Interpretation, Implementation’ by Geetanjoy Sahu (Orient Black Swan, TISS), 2014.

Journal articles
Adaptation and Resilience
Climate Policy
From Margins to Mainstream? State Climate Change Planning in India
Anu Jogesh and Navroz K Dubash
Economic & Political Weekly | 29 November 2014
Based on a detailed analysis of five state climate plans, this article finds that climate plans provide an important institutional platform to mainstream concerns of environmental sustainability into development planning but fail to update ideas of sustainability to include climate resilience.

Journal articles
Climate Policy
Measuring the Co-benefits of Climate Change Mitigation
Diana Ürge-Vorsatz, Sergio Tirado Herrero et al.
Annual Review of Environment and Resources | 1 October 2014
Co-benefits rarely enter quantitative decision-support frameworks, often because the methodologies for their integration are lacking or not known. This review fills in this gap by providing comprehensive methodological guidance on the quantification of co-impacts and their integration into climate-related decision making based on the literature.

Journal articles
Adaptation and Resilience
Is There a Trade-Off between Agricultural Development, Adaptation and Mitigation?
Ashwini K Swain
Yojana | 15 July 2014
India’s long-standing official position in global climate negotiations has been that any discussion on agriculture must be held in the realm of adaptation, not mitigation. Is this apprehension sound?

Journal articles
Environmental Governance and Policy
Is There a Case for an Environmental Regulator?
Shibani Ghosh
Economic & Political Weekly | 5 July 2014
A hastily designed institution will only worsen an already weak regulatory system. But a strategically designed one with adequate powers could provide some succour, even if only to a part of the gamut of environmental governance problems in the country.

Journal articles
Climate Policy
Climate Policy: Political implications of data presentation
Navroz K Dubash, Marc Fleurbaey et al.
Science | 4 July 2014
What is the appropriate balance between scientific analysis and governmental input in the IPCC? Claiming government overreach and calling for greater insulation of the process come from a misleadingly simple interpretation.

Journal articles
Climate Policy
India’s Green Industrial Policy Pursuing Clean Energy for Green Growth
Ashwini K Swain
Economic & Political Weekly | 1 March 2014
Keeping with the global trend, India seems to be executing a “Green Industrial Policy” that seeks to prioritise production and consumption of clean energy. Will it lead to green growth and sustainable development?

Journal articles
Climate Policy
Developments in national climate change mitigation legislation and strategy
Navroz K Dubash, Markus Hagemann et al.
Climate Policy | 21 October 2013
First, there has been a substantial increase in climate legislation and strategies between 2007 and 2012: 67% of global GHG emissions are now under national climate legislation or strategy compared to 45% in 2007. Second, there are substantial regional effects to the patterns, with most increases in non-Annex I countries, particularly in Asia and Latin America. Third, many more countries have adopted climate strategies than have adopted climate legislation between 2007 and 2012.

Journal articles
Environmental Governance and Policy
Demystifying the Environmental Clearance Process in India
Shibani Ghosh
NUJS Law Review | 1 September 2013
The EIA process involves several stakeholders with a variety of interests, often conflicting, and the process is deeply contentious with significant implications for a range of rights. This paper aims to bring some clarity to our understanding of this complex process through a critical examination of the EIA Notification, related documents and judicial pronouncements.

Journal articles
Environmental Governance and Policy
Case Note: Access to Information as Ruled by the Indian Environmental Tribunal: Save Mon Region Federation v. Union of India
Shibani Ghosh
Review of European and Comparative Law | 30 July 2013
Environmental decision-making processes, particularly in the developing countries, are often opaque and inaccessible. India’s experience in striving to improve its processes may thus provide useful lessons for other jurisdictions.

Journal articles
Climate Policy
Indian Climate Change Policy: Exploring a Co-Benefits Based Approach
Navroz K Dubash, D Raghunandan et al.
Economic & Political Weekly | 1 June 2013
There is a growing body of climate-related policy in India; at the same time, there is no clear and consistent approach or framework that directs and guides these efforts. In this paper, we propose and develop a methodology for operationalising a co-benefits approach to climate policy formulation.

Journal articles
Climate Policy
The Politics of Climate Change in India: Narratives of Equity and Co-benefits
Navroz K Dubash
WIREs Climate Change | 15 March 2013
This review of Indian climate politics examines the initial crystallization of Indian climate positions and its roots in national climate politics, and then examines the modest ways in which climate politics have been revisited in domestic debates since about 2007.

Books and book chapters
Climate Policy
Environmental Governance and Policy
The Rise of the Regulatory State of the South: Infrastructure and Development in Emerging Economies
Navroz K Dubash and Bronwen Morgan
Oxford | 1 January 2013
This volume focuses on the rise of regulatory agencies in the developing world, specifically Asia, Africa, and Latin America. – with implications both for the study of regulation and the study of development.

Books and book chapters
Climate Policy
Of Maps and Compasses: India in Multilateral Climate Negotiations
Navroz K Dubash
Brookings Institution Press | 1 January 2013
India has taken a remarkably consistent approach to global climate negotiations; a principled position on climate change founded on attention to equity dimensions of the problem. This stance has strong implications for India’s arguments for the relative mitigation burdens of the industrialised and developing world and therefore for India’s approach to multilateralism applied to climate change.

Journal articles
Environmental Governance and Policy
Understanding the rise of the regulatory state of the South
Navroz K Dubash and Bronwen Morgan
Regulation & Governance | 6 June 2012
The intent of this paper is to draw out common themes that characterize a “regulatory state of the South,” while remaining sensitive to the variations in level of economic development and political institutional contexts within “the South.”

Journal articles
Environmental Governance and Policy
Toward Enabling and Inclusive Global Environmental Governance
Navroz K Dubash
The Journal of Environment & Development | 23 February 2012
Sustainable development has always been a compromise that papered over real conflict between environment and development. Twenty years after Rio, the geopolitical climate is far less conducive to easy compromises. So, Rio+20 should focus on national and sub-national institutions and embrace a diversity of national political, institutional and legal contexts, while also ensuring the inclusion of the weakest.

Books and book chapters
Climate Policy
Handbook of Climate Change and India: Development, Politics and Governance
Navroz K Dubash
Routledge | 1 January 2012
This Handbook builds a composite picture of contemporary Indian climate politics and policy by bringing together prominent voices from India, including policymakers, politicians, business leaders, civil society activists and academics.

Books and book chapters
Climate Policy
Avenues for Climate Change Litigation in India
Lavanya Rajamani and Shibani Ghosh
Cambridge University Press | 1 December 2011
As frustration mounts in some quarters at the perceived inadequacy or speed of international action on climate change, and as the likelihood of significant impacts grows, the focus is increasingly turning to liability for climate change damage.

Journal articles
Environmental Governance and Policy
The National Environment Assessment and Monitoring Agency: A Step Forward?
Shibani Ghosh
Economic & Political Weekly | 23 September 2011
The Ministry of Environment and Forests’ initiative to set up an independent environmental regulator acknowledges the problems in the current system of regulations. Yet, it has a number of limitations because of which viable alternatives to the proposed agency are actively constructed here.

Journal articles
Environmental Governance and Policy
Mapping Global Energy Governance
Navroz K Dubash and Ann Florini
Global Policy | 7 September 2011
Governing energy globally requires approaches that can simultaneously cope with three realities: the highly fragmented and conflictual nature of the current inter-state system’s efforts to govern energy; the diversity of institutions and actors relevant to energy; and the dominance of national processes of energy decision making that are not effectively integrated into global institutions.

Journal articles
Energy Transitions
Introduction to the Special Issue: Governing Energy in a Fragmented World
Ann Florini and Navroz K Dubash
Global Policy Journal | 7 September 2011
This special issue brings together leading experts from Asia, Europe and North America to examine the international institutions, national governance mechanisms and financing systems that together will determine the future of the energy sector.

Journal articles
Energy Transitions
From Norm-Taker to Norm-Maker? Indian Energy Governance in Global Context
Navroz K Dubash
Global Policy Journal | 7 September 2011
The article develops three narratives that have guided Indian energy governance domestically: state control; the grafting on of market institutions; and the embryonic linkage between energy security and climate change.

Journal articles
Climate Policy
Beyond Copenhagen: Next Steps
Navroz K Dubash and Lavanya Rajamani
Climate Policy | 15 June 2011
Although not for the reason most climate watchers anticipated, the 15th COP to the UNFCCC and the CMP-5 to the Kyoto Protocol at Copenhagen marked an important moment in the history of the climate negotiations.

Journal articles
Climate Policy
Copenhagen: Climate of Mistrust
Navroz K Dubash
Economic & Political Weekly | 26 December 2009
These reflections on the Copenhagen climate negotiations first provide a brief encapsulation of events, followed by a discussion of the key negotiation issues that took centre stage. It then provides a political interpretation of the Accord and its future prospects.

Books and book chapters
Climate Policy
Climate Politics in India: How can the Industrialised World Bridge the Trust Deficit?
Navroz K Dubash
Stimson Regional Voices | 5 November 2009
In an ironic and to most Indians quite disturbing turn, India is increasingly portrayed as an obstructionist in the global climate negotiations. How did a country likely to be on the frontline of climate impacts – with a vast proportion of the world’s poor and a reasonably good record of energy-related environmental policy and performance – reach this diplomatic cul de sac?

Books and book chapters
Climate Policy
Climate Change and Development: A Bottom-Up Approach to Mitigation for Developing Countries
Navroz K Dubash
New York University Press | 1 November 2009
This chapter suggests that focusing in the short run on explicit caps (or the implicit caps of climate plans) for developing countries is a misguided policy. It argues that strengthening domestic institutions in developing countries is needed for successful low-carbon development.

Journal articles
Environmental Governance and Policy
Environmentalism in the Age of Climate Change
Navroz K Dubash
Seminar Magazine | 1 September 2009
This article examines the tensions and challenges of Indian – and indeed Southern – environmentalism in an age of climate change.

Journal articles
Energy Transitions
The Electricity Groundwater Conundrum: Case for a Political Solution to a Political Problem
Navroz K Dubash
Economic & Political Weekly | 29 December 2007
This paper attempts to articulate a political interpretation of the electricity-groundwater conundrum. The paper argues that farmers are quite rational in their current decision-making given the problematic context within which they make choices.

Journal articles
Climate Policy
Inconvenient Truths Produce Hard Realities: Notes from Bali
Navroz K Dubash
Economic & Political Weekly | 29 December 2007
Reflections on the Bali climate summit and thoughts on India’s way forward.

Journal articles
Energy Transitions
Environmental Governance and Policy
Regulatory Practice and Politics: Lessons from Independent Regulation in Indian Electricity
Navroz K Dubash and D Narasimha Rao
Utilities Policy | 27 November 2007
This paper seeks to examine the practice of electricity regulation in India, using case studies of three state-level electricity regulators. This paper suggests a proactive regulatory approach where governments give regulators the latitude to proactively steer the sector.

Books and book chapters
Energy Transitions
The Practice and Politics of Regulation: Regulatory Governance in Indian Electricity
Navroz K Dubash and D. Narasimha Rao
NIPFP | 1 January 2007
This volume contributes to debates on the role of regulators in electricity reform and on the institution of regulation in India by examining electricity regulators in three Indian states.

Books and book chapters
Energy Transitions
Power Politics: Equity and Environment in Electricity Reform
Navroz K Dubash
World Resources Institute | 28 June 2002
Drawing on six country studies – Argentina, Bulgaria, Ghana, India, Indonesia, and South Africa – the volume examines whether and how the process of electricity reform can support rather than hinder sustainable development.

Books and book chapters
Environmental Governance and Policy
Tubewell Capitalism: Groundwater Development and Agrarian Change in Gujarat
Navroz K Dubash
Oxford | 1 January 2002
Market-based reforms in an agrarian setting to address the water problem must be integrated into the local governance in order to succeed.

Books and book chapters
Environmental Governance and Policy
A Watershed in Global Governance: An Independent Assessment of the World Commission on Dams
Navroz K Dubash, Mairi Dupar et al.
1 November 2001
An assessment of the World Commission on Dams set up to produce a set of international guidelines for the design, construction, operation and decommissioning of large dams and options on their alternatives.